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Samanta Diaz broke after American Idol | Entrepreneurship is NOT EASY

When I saw the video below, it brought back a flood of memories. In the beauty & barber industry, we are most often independent contractors.

(Source: Entertainment tonight)

We hustle our passion and many times repeatedly end up at square one. Fantasia said she lost everything TWICE. People forget that the music industry is literally entrepreneurship at it's core. As a licensed cosmetologist, I've had to start over several times. I've even been homeless when I was pregnant with my 1st son. Your drive hits differently when you realize if your business or brand's literally your own fault.

The pandemic taught me that lesson. As the government shut my business down, I realized the world still turned. People still were making money it's just that I wasn't. I started perfecting my internet businesses, graphic design, wrote a book, created blogs etc. Your hustle grinds differently when you hit rock bottom. My heart goes out to that young lady. When I met my husband in 2007(at rock bottom), I remember him saying "The only way to go is up". #positiveaffirmations

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