I knew death was a trigger of mine when my maternal grandmother passed. I never knew her personally and in fact didn't necessarily feel an emotional attachment to her either. I just had a complete mental break down following her death. Perhaps that news coupled with marital issues with my ex-husband exacerbated the situation.
I worked in a nursing home for about 10 years. Each year I lost between 1-5 clients to death. After a while it wasn't a trigger any longer. I was stuck in the past for a while because I moved on years afterward not addressing the fact that I had moved past that trigger.

When my dad passed in 2020, I still thought it was a trigger. I prepared for it by planning a diet & exercise routine for after he passed. The plan worked well until I realized I had an entirely different trigger 4 months into my journey.
This weight loss journey has really become a mental health journey. It's literally me searching for my triggers and addressing them head on.
Note from the editor:
My name is Dawn M. Williams.
I intend to address my Weight loss journey in these blog articles for the duration of season 7 of my podcast. I talk extensively about this journey during that season. This article was written in the summer of 2023. It is literally my coping strategy.
I hope this will help someone. Insha-Allah by the time this article is released, my book will be released and available for purchase at iamdawnwilliams.com. To check out my podcast please click the picture below