See this right here is absolutely ridiculous. Why is it that we as a people beg people to accept us?

Hertz is already involved in a class action lawsuit. Apparently many of their customers are being locked up under false pretenses based off of police reports allegedly "accidentally" filed by employees. These customers who are involved in a class action lawsuit have been sent to jail. "This is disproportionately happening to black and minority communities," said Francus Malofiy (an attorney for 350 plaintiffs).
Why do we beg people to take our money? Which brings me to Kelly Price. She was just going viral about a year ago in regards to Hertz. Kelly Price made a viral post........again. Complaining about Hertz.......again.
Last year :
Now you go back to the same store that has you in trouble legally on fraudulent pretenses to give them some more money? Make it make sense. Make it make sense.
Kelly Price......Enterprise, Turo, Budget rental. Anybody but the same rental company recently exposed for locking up brown folk. You were JUST complaining last year. How many different ways does somebody have to say " I don't want your money"?
This year:
How do you expose a company.....TWICE? You went back......AGAIN?!?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I'm all for exposing wrongdoings and even racism. This right here to be quite honest is pathetic. As hard as we work for our money , why are we begging people to take our money? This is not the 50's. I had to ask myself that when I was being treated a certain way a certain establishments. There are too many other businesses to patronize. After a certain point you're doing it to yourself. Especially in the capitalistic society. Let me shut up before I say something I'm going to regret.