In light of this new 2022 trial I couldn't help but notice Tasha K pop up on my YouTube feed. I was in shock because she recently lost a defamation and libel suit to cardi B when she has been ordered to pay out millions of dollars.

I was on the fence in regards to understanding what happened between the two of these women until I watched a very carefully put together documentary by another YouTuber @TroyceTV. The way he put all these clips together made it clear why cardi B won this lawsuit. He had all the receipts. He leaves no room for any level of questioning.
I know it's a long video so watch it when you have about 45 minutes to dedicate.
Anywho, imagine my surprise when here comes Tasha K yet again reiterating the same story that got her sued in the first place. I don't know who is in this lady's circle but somebody needs to tell her to stop talking. At this point it's clear that she is obsessed.
Believe me, I understand beefing with somebody so much so that you want to broadcast it to social media. That being said as an adult and especially an adult that has been sued it is time to be quiet.
Look at this lady y'all. Look at this lady. Like is she seriously using this 2022 trial to push an old narrative that was already proven to be false? Do you know how hard it is to prove slander and libel?
These are conversations you have behind closed doors with your girls while you kickin' it. Not to be broadcast to capitalize on your 1 million followers. Sometimes we need people in our corner that will tell us to stop it. You know what, let me stop before I say something I regret.