There is are 2 ways I usually answer this question. The 1st is for those already conducting business wanting to legitimize it. The second way is for those desiring the freedom of entrepreneurship but don't know where to start. I have a FREE 3 - day online curriculum for "How to start a business". Click here to enroll.

If you're the 1st kind and you know which business to start I made a podcast episode about it. You can listen by clicking here. For the second type, I suggest picking something you are fascinated in as well as one that generates income. Sometimes what doesn't fascinate you generates income as well lol. "Being passionate " about something isn't mutually exclusive to generating income. For example I absolutely despise designing websites & promotional material. However over these two decades of entrepreneurship, that skill has turned out to be a great side hustle. It also

helped me to save a considerable amount of money while simultaneously growing my business.
The reason I first said use what fascinates you is because that drive may hold your attention. In entrepreneurship you'll need that drive because the only one to motivate you is YOU.
Think about what you're good at that others are not so good at. Business is literally an industry of people being paid to solve problems! Also please keep in mind that you should be seeking multiple streams of income. The sky is the limit in a capitalistic society to keep going!
Here are a few business ideas
● Design business websites
● Become a virtual assistant (
● Make promotional items first free ( and set up a free site to sell it ( Check out my FREE ecommerce site here
●Design a curriculum (
● Build a podcast and sell ad space . let's you create a podcast for free and you can immediately monetize it!
●Write a book. will publish and print the book for you!
● Deliver groceries with . You can set your own hours and start working immediately. I did this during the pandemic.