The more and more time goes on the more I realize that many people do not view kindness as a strength. They immediately see it as a weakness if they have ill intent. I'm inclined to say that those type of people take it further and pouce on your perceived weakness treating you like trash at times.
That being said when it comes to business or even personal interactions, I have started to reserve all outwardly overt appearances of kindness until I know that person is capable of handling such things.
Not to say that I'm mean to people in general. I'm more so attempting to be expressionless until I figure out if you can handle interacting with someone who you know has kind and genuine intentions. My son recently told he he thinks I'm naturally extroverted but people's behavior forced me to give the perception of being introverted.
This is what we refer to often times as being guarded. It is a very difficult thing to try and balance. To not be mean but yet not be too nice in order to protect oneself. In other words you're basically fair. That is the best way to describe it. Being fair.