I felt the need to write this because I keep coming across people in all different age groups who are a bit confused. I am deciding to solicit assistance to give me relief. Why would any business owner in their right mind hire someone who they have to hold their hand through the interview process? Especially an employer who is literally made an entire playlist to assist people.
I shouldn't have to come up with new ways to remind you of interviews or notify you past the email notifications. You're adding a problem to my life if I have to do this . Let me be clear. I am in business to solve other people's problems for a fee. Why would I pay you to create more problems for me? Here are a few things that I have noticed.

Again, I'm not looking for someone who's going to cause more problems for me. I purposely have the interviews on a platform where all you have to do is click the link. I get excuses like "The link is broken" or "You never sent me the link". In my mind I'm thinking "This person is going to say the same thing when I send them a link for a prospective client".
Furthermore it invokes a certain level of anger when I test the link and find out that it works or I go back and find out that I actually did send you a link. See now I got to figure out if it was an accident or if you were intentionally lying. I don't want to have to go through any of that. Why should I have to go through any of that when I don't go through that with my clients. I fire difficult clients. I don't have to deal with this with people who are paying me. So why would I pay you for incompetence. It's clear that if we're starting off on that foot it is not a good sign. It's like I'm inviting the drama if I move forward with your application.
I have had people engaging in other activities during the interview process. I'm talking about a 5-minute interview. That is absurd. Not only is it disrespectful, it is indicative of what is to come. If I'm hire you for an online position and you can't even give me 5 minutes of your undivided attention it is not a good sign. I've had people talk to me while walking down the street and some engaging in other activities during the entire interview process. This is completely insane if I'm being honest.
I mean you literally didn't even have to go anywhere. And to be quite honest neither did I. But I woke up got in the shower got dressed up to look like I was going outside to interview you in person. If I'm hiring you for an online position where you're going to have to be on screen I don't want you to look like you just rolled out of the bed. You could scare off potential clients. Yes I'm paying attention to these things and it is significant. You have to understand that the clientele that I'm attempting to cater to (especially for the online positions) is an older clientele. They're not with that "looking a mess" stuff.

This can happen in one of two ways. The first way is the people who have the audacity to call me pretend as though they had an interview on a day that they didn't, in order to demand an impromptu interview. This is completely insane. How dare you think that I should alter my life to cater to you and your needs before you even get hired? As if I don't have a life. Think about this from a logical perspective. I have business hours for clients who pay me money to solve their problems. Here you are acting like a liability.
The second way is attempting to sneak on to the online booking in regards to the appointments. I purposely set up a direct booking link for prospective contractors or employees interviews. I had one particular person bypass that system and go on to my salon system to book an appointment. That person began to rush me through the appointment process. They came out very aggressive in a negative manner. So here I had to take time out of my day to go back and look at the link to ensure it was working. Then I had to troubleshoot how were they able to go and book on a separate appointment system.
See that's too much drama to go through. I'm not going to go through all that when it comes time for me to solicit new clients. As I said before you're supposed to be assisting me and taking a headache off of me.
