In 2022 two controversial incidents occurred. Kyrie Irving and Kanye West made some controversial comments. I won't spend time addressing those comments here. I wanted to address the "why?" behind how their money was effected.
I don't care who you are, whomever pays you has the right to cut ties if you offend them( right or wrong). That being said, we all have the right to work for ourselves independent of the money ties. To think you can have both is possbile and yet can also be naive given certain circumstances.
It's just like me as a business owner tolerating my Christian employee making Islamophobia rooted comments on social media. Why would I continue to honor contracts or do business with them?
I will add, if you are bold enough to trash those whom you hold contracts with,name specific names & produce I did here....🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. So you can sue them successfully if they try to sever ties.