Alot of people in the beauty and barber industry don't have entrepreneurs in their families (myself included) as mentors to guide them through this mess. To be able to independently build a clientele in order to sustain a livable wage is almost impossible. Imo it's primarily due to the indoctrination of the social a whole through the public school system that teaches us everything opposite of being an entrepreneur. We're taught to be dependent upon corporations.

Sadly to perpetuate this narcassistic fantasy, flying monkeys must be enlisted (look it up "flying monkeys in narcassism). While they truly believe they have power and superiority its actually quite opposite. The OWNERS of the corporations and special interest groups that fund these terroristic organizations are the ones in perceived power. Only Allah (The Creator)holds the true power. Their advisor is iblees.
The more these narcassists & their assistants ruled by the shaytan move, the more their efforts become more disastrous. Capitalism/imperialism is destroying the planet and the transferring of information at light speed is making it hard to keep the mask up.
#islam is a direct threat to Capitalism. In this specific case :Racism is haraam.