When I watched the Netflix documentary “13th”, I did not fully understand how business intertwined with almost everything in American society. When I looked up how many people's convictions were overturned it was astounding. I had screenshot approximately 15 to 20 before I realized how horrific this was.

It's not talked about how food corporations as well as others use prison labor to keep their business thriving. Using common sense, this is clearly a conflict of interest. If corporations make huge political donations, engage in lobbying to make laws coincide with their profits, and also use prison labor, how can we trust the alleged ethical process of convictions?

Well according to the F.B.I. you can't! There was an article from 2015 stating that 90% of DNA testing was in question regarding convictions. Then on the back side of this insanity are the corporations who benefit from prisoners themselves. The corporations who provide
Food for the inmates
Telephone services
Payment for the employees
Metal detectors
Weapons & ammunition for the staff
Parking lot maintenance
Medical care
This puts “They get you coming & They get you going “ at an entirely different level!!!