There are many people who start podcasts. I'm finding that in the circles of podcasters that I have seen, many of them do not do it as full-time business ventures. This may be their goal, but business ownership is business ownership. I was one of these people that made the mistake of jumping into having a podcast thinking that it did not have to be organized like how I organize my businesses. It actually took until the 3rd season of my podcast for me to realize that I had to now start implementing policies.
One of the policies was a no-show fee that is explained in the video above. That is a video that I sent to those who have been subjected to the fee. The purpose of the fee is to ensure that that particular person never schedules on my podcast again. I use automated means to schedule my podcast. The exact same scheduling system that I use for my salon it's the same scheduling system I use for the podcast.
If you are starting a podcast, you need to understand that your time is valuable. There is no point on wasting time being upset for something that more than likely will not generate you any income for a few years. Use logical problem solving tactics.