Why was Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King deemed a terrorist at this time? Have you seen this video ? He referenced reparations and how whites were paid subsidies to NOT grow crops. If you don't believe me read the flier below because these are the subsidies he was talking about.
Unless you have been under a rock, almost everyone and they mama done heard about Brittney Griner. Now I know with the mention of those two words I have upset many "patriots" as I did on my podcast episode. After all, the human mind is disintegrating to where it only takes a few trigger words to lose someone's attention span (which at this point is almost equal to that of a goldfish). No literally, Microsoft did a study. I couldn't understand why so many people hated her until I researched why she wouldn't stand for the national anthem. I know most of us think of Colin Kaepernick when we think of kneeling or not standing for the anthem.
We even think of police brutality or black lives matter. But when I stumbled upon the actual contents of the national anthem my

perspectives drastically changed. After watching the documentary on Netflix which Will Smith hosted outlining the 14th Amendment, I've come to understand why there is such a disconnect between perceived patriotism and racism in the United States of America. I believe it's fair to say that our citizenship is viewed upon by many Americans as being a form of extortion or blackmail. We weren't handed citizenship. Frederick Douglass used it as a bargaining tool to help win the civil war. He was a consultant.
The fact that our freedom meant a loss of around 60% of the South's income will leave anybody resentful. And that resentment is clearly seen from generation to generation. In

one article Griner made it clear that she loved her country even citing the fact that her father was in law enforcement and fought for the country in the military. As if that statement would pacify the people going against her. (I'm being sarcastic)
I'mma get straight to the point. There's a reason why I'm self-employed and why it doesn't matter if my opinion is broadcast or not. The only thing that matters is that I articulate this hot mess in the most respectful way possible. And that is only so I do not turn off certain clientele that I may have now and in the future. First of all since when do you negotiate with narcissists or bullies? The country was literally founded in bullying, killing, and narcissistic tendencies. Just look up the Trail of Tears.
The founders of this country and their descendants literally moved the inhabitants of this country (the indigenous people of this land) to the middle of the country at their expense based on a piece of paper for what reason? To make room for slaves. Why did they need slaves? To make money without having to pay for it. It is the epitome of laziness disguised as intelligence. No foresight in view at all.
It is everything that is put upon black people as a stereotype. Many citing that we're "lazy " while they're sitting in a country that our ancestors literally built while the colonizers beat our ancestors into submission to do what they were too lazy to do. Instructing people to pull themselves up by their bootstraps while benefiting from their forefathers actions of NOT pulling themselves up but rather beating, stealing, killing for land and forcing humans to work for free. Yes. It's about to get real ugly in this article. But it's necessary.

Living in a fantasy never solves a problem especially when dealing with racism. Ask the Dutch inhabitants of South Africa. Trevor Noah explained the difference between racism here & South Africa.
Countries like Australia were proactive & got ahead of the ball for harmonious living. Acknowledgment is NECESSARY. That's why you see a divide in white America now. I'm not advocating for Antifa or Black lives matter whatsoever, but it's clear that when we as a whole don't acknowledge a problem people find other ways for it to be acknowledged.
The interesting point about my perspective is that I had no idea that America was this way although I am American. In the black community it is generally hidden from many of us. Especially as growing up as children. Many of the black people I know grow up in metropolitan and suburban areas that are majority black. So ask yourself this. If I grew up in an all black area and my church was black, my schools were black, even my business has a majority black clientele , wouldn't I believe what was taught in school if it wasn't explained in depth to me by my parents.
When you talk to many black people who work in the government sector in the DC metropolitan area you will hear them say they didn't experience racism until they got into the workforce. How would we experience racism if we grew up in a bubble of mostly black people? To keep it all the way real with you my husband didn't even tell me about many racist occurrences he was experiencing until we were well past 10 years into our marriage.

It is traumatic and social media brought all of these things to the forefront because it couldn't be hidden any longer. This is not to take away from the fact that white people experience police brutality as well. But this article is outlining the fact that racism is not acknowledged by vast sector of our society. I didn't realize that racism was prevalent in current times until we moved to a town where we were the minority. I was so confused I literally had to ask one of the white parents if this is the standard for America? She literally broke the game all the way down to me. That's when I realized I grew up in a bubble. It was a beautiful bubble. Prince George's County Maryland at the time of the writing of this article houses are being sold for $500,000 to a million dollars. Why is that? Because the black people in this area make enough money to afford it. So I didn't see the negative stereotypes that are perpetrated in the media. I only saw what people will see on The Cosby Show. Successful black people.

Now knowing just the aforementioned paragraph as a human being and also knowing the following.
● America is built on contracts. Case law hinges on a small reimbursing people for unpaid work or unjust actions. Just think about Japanese Americans who got their reparations. It wasn't met without opposition.
●The only way to leave this country is to be able to fully sustain yourself with a regular income. Black people's ancestors were never paid for the work they did to build the country. In Washington DC slave owners were literally given reparations as opposed to the actual slaves.
●The 13th Amendment made it so that slavery was not abolished but transferred so that if you were a prisoner you would still be enslaved. This made it easy for laws to be passed to imprison the same people who were set free. The loophole in the wording was "except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction." We all are aware of false convictions as well as corporations that benefit from prisoners. The U.S. prison system has privatized institutions rendering each facility to receive upwards of 12million a month in federal funding per facility according to the Netflix documentary "13th". The Biden Administration made a move to rectify this situation.
And where does black patriotism fit in with this? It's like you kidnapping somebody telling them to love where they live, telling their grandchildren a great-grandchildren that they need to appreciate what they have. This is all while simultaneously not paying for them or reimbursing them for what any of them have done to contribute to the infrastructure of your house. Then tell them to get out for not appreciating it once they raise any level of complaint?
So I asked you again. In what reality are bullies negotiated with? There are two different types of people in this world. The ones that operate based on command and the ones that operate using reasoning. And I'm talking about sound logical reasoning. Sound logical reasoning is not purchasing people using their teeth for dentures while they're still living. Oh yes George Washington Dentures came from slaves teeth being yanked out of their mouth while they were still alive. Hunny....talk about "Tha ghetto" . How savage is that? That's animalistic behavior.

I'm going to end this article on the premise that California has already started preparations to begin reparations as well as other s
tates. It is not a question of whether or not black people are deserving of FEDERAL reparations, it's a question of when. This is exactly why Martin Luther King was deemed a terrorist. Check out this video and ask yourself what money was he talking about? He speaks a farmer's subsidies right? Check this link out right here and have a wonderful day.