The most interesting part about being a homeschool mom is that I have to learn ahead of my child prior to assigning work. When I talk to other adults about lessons in regards to the truths regarding social issues are not explained thoroughly until they get to college.
The video below gave an excellent explanation of war & how corruption bolsters it. From contractors to how millionaires and billionaires are made from it is astounding.
This entire video blew my entire mind away. I've always heard the cliche that there is a business of war but I never quite investigated it. I was a type of child to ask my father lots of questions which he had no problem answering. I used to watch him read the newspaper every morning around 5:00 a.m. I was completely confused as to why he would want to read a newspaper everyday from start to finish.
As I'm entering into my 40s I'm completely understanding why. I believe it's important to understand what's going on around you and more importantly the "why?" behind every single thing that you're seeing. It provides context and in my opinion quells a lot of anxiety and anger as a result to social issues.

You mean to tell me people are making these huge amounts of money off of war? In my opinion that takes integrity off of the table in many circumstances. If you are in dire need of money all you have to do was manufacture an emergency circumstance to create the need for war.
Now I'm not saying everybody does this but the introduction of money into any circumstance that needs integrity behind it stands the possibility of being tainted. I'm not in the disillusion of thinking that everybody has a conscience because that is completely unrealistic. Everyone does not have one therefore to introduce money into the equation and vice those who don't have one can be disastrous.