Today I had an incident where I received a phone call. The client said they had a 1pm appointment (The call was taken at 1:28pm btw). I knew the heffa was lying because i was scheduled off that day. I proceeded to do the usual question line up:
● You had an appointment TODAY at Dawn Michelle's Salon?
● When did you make this appointment?
● Who did you speak to?
●Was it online of on the phone?
● Please send the appointment confirmation.

Each time I do this, they quickly move along. They're lying. The 1st time this happened to me I fell for it. The client messed up my schedule because I believed the system had a glitch. It's a sad day in society when we reach the point where machines are trusted more than humans.
My whole site, booking system, door says "appointments only" , yet clients who want immediate results will resort to lying to get their needs met. Nevermind ruining my reputation. Nevermind ruining my schedule. It's all about you right?
Incidents like this coupled with clients who lie about canceling (when they never did) result in
●No show fee policies
●Being banned from the salon
●Mandatory up front payments for services
Once I got to the point where I had to record calls to the salon, I was done . I don't care why you missed an appointment, if you miss it there's a fee. It's amazing how all of a sudden when you are charged a no show fee, you suddenly remember all future appointments. 🤔
Dawn Michelle Williams is a licensed cosmetologist for the state of Maryland since the year 2000. She is the owner of Dawn Michelle's Salon in Hyattsville Maryland specializing in natural hairstyles. For information & appointments visit
Notes from the author:
I have a "Tales from a hairdresser " YouTube exclusive podcast series
Those episodes drop 1x monthly during "on" seasons.. These blog articles dedicated to this subject drop every Tuesday at 3 pm EST.
During our "on" seasons for "Research Shows
….." podcast I have a segment dedicated to" Tales from a hairdresser ". Episodes air weekly Tuesdays at 3pm EST on most streaming platforms
. Click the link below to listen.