Unless you've been under a rock, almost everyone and they mama done heard about Brittany Griner the American basketball player. I know all the patriots are infuriated at the mentioning of her name. After all attention spans are that of a goldfish nowadays. It only takes 1 trigger word to set folks off. Well in this case it's two....BRITTANY GRINER.

Well, I was intrigued about why so many people hated her. When I was in social media regularly (before my hiatus), I got caught up in comments of people saying horrible things about her. So, I decided to dig.
From my understanding this stems from her not wanting to stand for the National anthem.
That being said, I decided to look at the history behind the formulation of the national anthem. It's rooted in the slaughtering of slaves that were literally fighting in the war of 1812 in exchange for their free