The false narrative
In my opinion,mediocrity is the standard in America. We expect mediocre services, clients, products, etc. When you get these things presented in an above-average way, it is a pleasant surprise.

I come across people who believe wholeheartedly that giving the appearance of a solved problem is identical to solving a problem.For example,the countless crises in California regarding water main breaks.
February 2024
Easter 2024
There has allegedly been a misappropriation of funds for decades as it pertains to infrastructure. This begs the question, “Who is in charge?”. I believe the bigger question I'd counter with is, “If officials are paid the same amount of money whether or not they solve problems or not, what's the incentive to actually solve problems? Isn't it easier to give the illusion that problems are being solved?
How is it possible?
So what goes with facilitating such a fraudulent enterprise?
●Silencing those who complain
●Paying off those who know too much information
●Fabricating stories to cover the lie
●Hiding evidence that could reveal the truth
●Making connections with agencies that oversee your department so you can cover for each other
●Pay media outlets to paint you in a positive light
This in itself can give the appearance of an easier way of dealing with getting out of solving problems. But in actuality it builds a fast spreading web of lies that eventually has a terrible ending. Sometimes, you can age out of it therefore getting away with it. A perfect example of this type of fraud is the waste management scandal