Disclaimer. This article is not financial advice. I am not a financial advisor. This is only from my experiences as an entrepreneur.
Financial literacy and financial health in my opinion ties in directly with mental health. I have an initiative I started some time ago titled "Unsick". On my YouTube channel on that particular playlist I have videos that circle around Mental Health. The symbol represents diet exercise and mental health. I came up with the symbol as a reminder to myself to get back on track with my weight loss journey anytime I fall off the wagon.

■ Emotional intelligence can effect finances
Being an entrepreneur for over two decades has given me an advantage over those who work a regular 9 to 5 schedule for W-2 earnings. The process of self- regulation as it ties into emotional intelligence is much easier when you have a schedule that can be manipulated.
Growing up in the public school system emotional intelligence is not taught. Therefore when you're upset and have impulsive spending or have mismanagement of your money it, very well may take you years to understand that at times the two are mutually exclusive.
■ Eating out as it relates to stress
For example, if I am upset it will affect my energy level which will affect my ability to choose between purchasing fast food or cooking it from scratch. Cooking food from scratch is better for financial health.
(Video : A trip to Aldis can save you money!)
On one of my podcast episodes I spoke with a financial advisor on what motivates people to change their finances. Click here to listen to that episode. To be quite honest sometimes it takes a catalyst to hurl you in to financial well-being. Insh-Allah this will be one of many articles addressing this subject and I hope you will go on this journey with me.