I wanted to talk about the stigma of “ Playing all day”. Sure, we turn basic outings into homeschool lessons, but much of the work is in curriculums that are provided by outside sources.

How do I start ?
I do allow unschooling on most days however, we make up for that in extensive work schedules at the end of each month. I pull out the state-mandated curriculum and read it. Although I'm not required to abide by this curriculum as a homeschool parent, I choose to ensure all areas are covered for several reasons.
(Above: The FULL transcript of this article in video format. I cut it short for the article.)
Just in case I may have to re-enroll my son in public school again. I need thorough records and proof of instruction. This is so they won't put him in a lower grade due to deficits in cognitive functions.
Just in case he may want to attend college after high school. Some colleges do require transcripts as well as thorough course descriptions.
For homeschool reviews, I am a stickler for going above and beyond regarding proof. I hear too many stories of people getting reprimanded by county workers who need more verification of education.
So that my child will be able to function as an adult in society by being exposed same standards as public school students at a minimum.