I noticed during the pandemic how I was missing out on how my kids were interacting with the teachers. The teachers know our kids at times better than we do. They spend more time at school than at home with us as parents. After 8 hours at school, there is only a few hours left until bed time. Meanwhile after the adults get off work, were unwinding as well. If we all manage to spend time at the dinner table together, that's a blessing. But if you honestly assess time, the teachers are in essence raising our kids.
Once I began homeschooling I noticed how emotions are attached to difficult subject matter (ex. math,science etc). My youngest & I had to learn each other in an entirely different manner. He had to learn that I wouldn't stop teaching a subject just because he was upset about learning it. I had to learn how to calm down enough to recognize when I needed to change teaching approaches. We both had to increase our emotional intelligence as a whole.