In my opinion one of the worst things you can do when starting a business is creating a large amount of bills. Business can be unpredictable. It feels horrible when you have a huge quota to meet just to break even. One way that you can have a clothing and accessory line with no cost as to sign up for an account for drop shipping. I use .

You can design an entire clothing line and set up a free e-commerce with This is where your sales skills will have to come in. You have the opportunity to sell something online at no cost to you except for the time it takes to create the site. They even ship your items to your clients and make it look like it came directly from you. You will have a professional looking site. Check out my site here The majority of the designing of this site was done primarily with my smartphone.

You can become an Amazon affiliate. For those who do not understand what an affiliate is, you literally get paid for selling someone else's items. How many times have you sent someone a link to purchase something on Amazon? After a certain period of time I realize that I was doing this all the time.
You can get credit for this. They will deposit the money into your account. Yes it takes some time but it is absolutely possible to do this with no startup costs. Amazon gives you a separate link to send so that they can track whether or not you sent someone to their site. If you have a website you can also post ads that are direct affiliate links. Check out this blog site here where I have done this.

Networking goes hand in hand with receiving free items as well. There have been countless occasions where I have given clients free services who constantly promote me. It's like a referral program. If you're walking around modeling my hairstyle and sending me clients consistently, I have no problem giving free services to you as a business owner. The thing about this is that is very difficult to do this if you're an evil nasty person. You have to be a people person. I only have a handful of people that do this on a consistent basis. I keep their prices low and give them many things for free.