Robert Benjamin by far has been the best online coach I've ever learned from. I had reached a point in this journey when I realized “Why am I trying to reinvent the wheel?”. I also reached the point where I said to myself “Somebody is going to teach me this stuff for free!!!”. I was tired of paying for literally nothing.

I searched and searched until I found him. His entire YouTube page is dedicated to helping content creators grow on YouTube, Instagram and TikTok!
I followed his instructions and went from 200 subscribers to over 1300 in about 4 months. This was what I deemed impossible a few years ago. I'm now trying to understand Instagram because I literally had told myself “Zuckerberg has it out for me” but in reality, they only promote what people are looking for more times than not. I did what he said (which was to write longer descriptions and make the titles different. I started getting more views).
I'm saying all this to help everyone understand that if you find someone who helped you share it. Even if they helped you for free. Share it. Just because you share doesn't mean someone will replicate your content. Even if they do, there is literally only one you. You are unique. Market that and keep it going!