Mental health
I've been transitioning into content creation since the pandemic. What I've noticed is your Mental health affects your content. Whether it's the frequency or quality, a clear mind can benefit both.

Just like you're reading this article now and I wrote it months ago, you can schedule your content on most platforms. It can be hard to set a schedule. I usually do it based on my moods. For example, recently I've been making lots of videos. Short videos. I was doing 3-5 tiktok videos daily. It just hit me today, to put them in the draft section and release 1-2 daily. This way I'm not overwhelming myself.
Another example is blogging. I started this because I needed a productive outlet. I was writing so much I initially had articles released daily. That is too much and can send a person into overload. I decided to take 1 month of content and spread it out over 30 weeks. This is why these articles are released 1x monthly. This way once I need to write, it can be through passionate intentions and doesn't feel forced.
I usually feel immense anxiety when someone fabricates a story (aka ‘running game’). It's not often but when it happens but it's overwhelming. In fact, it's the reason for this article! I was watching content yesterday that disturbed my entire soul. I love this content creator but this particular video was disturbing. I couldn't even do my own content because of how I felt.
Avoid filling your mind with such things. Things that bring about great anxiety in my opinion is a sign.