Tales from a hairdresser
- Opinion piece from a licensed cosmetologist
I didn't completely understand the dynamics of the "Junior & Sonny Thanksgiving " episode on Martin until decades later. I thought Mama Payne was just being overly dramatic. It was hilarious watching her leap over the balcony after learning Gina invited the crazy part of the family over. Many of us have family members like this. Just think, your crazy family member may be a business owner's client.
(Source : "Martin")
Because hair stylists provide services in such an intimate setting, crazy clients can get too comfortable. We have to schedule crazy clients during certain times & sometimes enforce certain restrictions. Here are some examples of clients who are a bit "off" (aka have a few screws loose).
1.When they call to book appointments they're a bit too comfortable.
I have encountered a few clients who ask "Where you at?" or "What are you doing?". Mind you, they're not asking this because I'm running late & they're wondering why I'm not there yet. They're actually inquiring in regards to my whereabouts when it doesn't concern them.
What I'm thinking as this is happening:
"First of all, you don't even know me like that to be questioning me on my whereabouts ". How do I actually respond? "Was there something I can help you with?" or "Can I make an appointment for you?". This is an invasive questioning tactic. I say this because I actually used to answer clients by telling them what I was doing only to have them use it against me later.
2. They always rush you through appointments on busy days
Now, I'm not the type of stylist who will have you at the salon all day. I'm talking about those clients who always need to be out in rush but book services at "rush hour" times. For example, if I need to get in & out of traffic in a hurry I would schedule a 9am-12pm visit to my local grocery store.
Why? Because all the people after work come from 3pm to 7pm. I realized this once I booked a 3 or 4pm doctor visit for my son on a weekday. I remember there were at least 5-10 other families there at the same time. I made a decision that day that annual appointments would be scheduled on my off days.
So when a client complains about long wait times. I usually suggest early Saturday and weekday appointments.
3. I can't schedule your appointments with other people present.
There are certain clients I have had over the years that give off horrible energy. Sometimes they're rude and unpredictable. I usually don't have these people there with other clients if I can avoid it. Usually at this level, I'm in the process of firing you as a client. Yes, I actually fire clients. I tell them I can't service them anymore.
4. They ALWAYS hate their hair although they keep coming back.
This is a pet peeve of mine. If I go to a grocery store, gas station, post office etc, and EACH time I go is a horrible experience I wouldn't go back. Sometimes people constantly complain in order to receive special treatments or discounted services. We as hairstylists have a tendency to avoid clients like this.
Dawn Michelle Williams is a licensed cosmetologist for the state of Maryland since the year 2000. She is the owner of Dawn Michelle's Salon in Hyattsville Maryland specializing in natural hairstyles. For information & appointments visit https://DawnMichelleSalon.com
Notes from the author:
I have a "Tales from a hairdresser " YouTube exclusive podcast series https://tinyurl.com/TalesFromAhairdresser
Those episodes drop 1x monthly during "on" seasons.. These blog articles dedicated to this subject drop every Tuesday at 3 pm EST.
During our "on" seasons for "Research Shows
….." podcast I have a segment dedicated to" Tales from a hairdresser ". Episodes air weekly Tuesdays at 3pm EST on most streaming platforms
. Click the link below to listen.